BMW 3 series E46

Since 1998 of release

Repair and car operation

The BMW of 3 series Е46
+ Cars BMW 3 (Е46)
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
- Systems of cooling, heating
   + System of cooling of the engine
   - Heater and the conditioner of air of salon
      Removal and installation of the block of management of a heater/conditioner
      Removal and installation of the fan of a heater
      Replacement of additional resistors of the fan of a heater
      Removal and installation air дефлекторов
+ Power supply systems, injection and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ manual transmission and трансмиссионная a line
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electric equipment schemes

Heater and the conditioner of air of salon

The scheme of a contour of the conditioner of air of salon

1 — the fan
2 — the evaporator
3 — a throttle
4 — service joining of low pressure
5 — service joining of a high pressure
6 — a dehumidifier
7 — the condenser
8 compressor:

And — external air for condenser cooling
b — warm air, is taken away in an environment
With — not cooled air passing through the fan of a heater
d — the cooled air arriving in salon
And — a high pressure (a coolant in the gaseous form)
In — a high pressure (a coolant liquid)
With — low pressure (a coolant liquid)
D — low pressure (a coolant in the gaseous form)

Heater. Models without the conditioner

1 — the fan
2 — a clip
3 — additional resistors
For separate steps of the fan
4 — приводной the block right
5 — the microswitch
6 — transfer for adjustment заслонок
7 — a heating box
8 — a sealing framework
9 — a sealing lining
10 — a fan cover
11 — the forward control panel

12 — the switch
For heating of back glass
13 — the fan switch
14 — draught
For temperature adjustment
15 — скоба
16 — the platen
Drive airdistributing заслонок
17 — a casing of the block of management
18 — the screw
19 — the handle

Heater. Models with the conditioner

1 — the fan
2 — скоба
3 — a fan regulator
4 — the temperature gauge
5 — a drive заслонки ventilation
6 — a heater/conditioner box
7 — заслонка ventilation
8 — a sealing lining
9 — a fan cover
10 — a sealing framework
11 — the screw, М4 x 14

12 — a lateral cover of a box of a heater
13 — a hose drainage
For the conditioner compressor
Additional heater of the diesel engine
14 — an additional heater
15 — the holder
16 — the console
17 — screw M8 x 20, 24 Н•м
18 — a nut
19 — a lath
20 — the console

The holder of the compressor of the conditioner. Models 316i, 318i

1 — the compressor
2 — the holder
3 — a bolt, М8 x 55
4 — a bolt, М8 x 100

5 — the tension device
6 — screw Torx, М8 x 55
7 — клиновой a belt

Fresh air arrives in salon through воздухосборную a box, the air filter of ventilation of salon and a fan casing. Air passes through a box of a heater and is distributed through various заслонки on separate nozzles. Air giving is defined by number of turns of the electric motor of the fan.
Depending on the established temperature in salon fresh air can go to the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is located in a heating box and warmed up by a hot cooling liquid. Air passing through the heat exchanger heats up as a result of washing of plates of the heat exchanger and then arrives in salon. Thermal capacity of a heater is regulated by the expense of a cooling liquid. The electromagnetic valve on the liquid pipeline for this purpose serves.

The diesel engine
owing to higher efficiency has insignificant thermal productivity. Therefore installation of a separate heater which if necessary in addition warms up a cooling liquid here is required. The additional heater is warmed with fuel from the separate fuel pump and if necessary is automatically connected.

Heating without the conditioner: the Temperature in salon can be established by a regulator. By means of two other regulators the number of turns of the four-stage fan of a heater is established and air distribution on nozzles is made.

The conditioner: the Temperature in salon is established by a key on the control panel and displayed on a digital board. According to it the electronic monitor of automatics of the conditioner regulates opening of the crane of a heater depending on temperature in salon. Gauges of temperature of air in salon are in the control panel behind lattices for air input. Electronic regulation allows to maintain temperature of air in constant salon, irrespective of speed of the car and external temperature.

At inclusion of the conditioner air at first is cooled, dried up and then depending on the established value of temperature again is warmed up.

If всасывание fresh air it is not supposed, for example, at poor quality of external air, the system pressing of a corresponding key can be switched to a circulation mode. Thus in salon internal air circulates.

At inclusion “Automatischer Umluft Control” (“Automatic control of circulation” - the special equipment) the system joins independently in a circulation mode as soon as in external air there are harmful components, for example, soot from combustion of diesel fuel. If quality of external air is again restored, the system is automatically switched to consumption of external air.

Conditioner work

The conditioner works as a refrigerator: the compressor set in motion from the electric motor, compresses a coolant in a gas phase, free from FCKW (R 134), and not putting harm to environment. The coolant is warmed up thus and goes to the condenser. There it is cooled and сжижается. Through the broad valve the coolant extends and arrives in the evaporator where owing to the low pressure evaporates. As a result of process of expansion air passing through system of pipes and plates outside, gives heat.

Thus, air is cooled, and the moisture containing in it turns to a condensate which is taken away for car limits.

At the working engine and the included fan in salon through various apertures cooled air can be brought. Intensity of cooling depends on the established temperature and number of turns of the electric motor of the fan.

The electronic monitor is built in an element of management of the conditioner.

In the conditioner the condensate deduced for limits of the car is formed. It is a normal mode and does not specify in presence of any malfunctions in the car.

Conditioner repair here is not described. These works should be carried out in the conditions of a specialised workshop.

It is not supposed to open a contour of cooling of the conditioner as liquid hit on a skin can cause обморожение.
At casual hit of a liquid on a skin immediately wash out a place of defeat by cold water within not less than 15 minutes the Liquid of the conditioner has no colour and a smell and it is heavier than air. At leaks of a cooling liquid there is a danger of a poisoning in the bottom part of the car (liquid presence is not felt).