BMW 3 series E46

Since 1998 of release

Repair and car operation

The BMW of 3 series Е46
- Cars BMW 3 (Е46)
   Identification numbers of the car
   Acquisition of spare parts
   Technology of service, the tool and the workplace equipment
   Поддомкрачивание and towage
   Start of the engine from the auxiliary power supply
   Checks of readiness of the car to operation
   Automobile химикалии, oils and greasings
   Diagnostics of malfunctions
   Controls and operation receptions
   Controls and devices
   Keys, the uniform lock and anticreeping system
   Security сигнализация*
   The hatch with podemno-sdvizhnoj крышкой*
   Adjustment of position of a steering wheel
   Safety systems
   The lock of ignition and engine start
   Lay brake
   Manual box of a gear change (manual transmission)
   Automatic transmission (АТ) *
   The lever of the switch of indexes of turn / a light signal
   Screen wipers and стеклоомыватели
   Heater of back glass
   Темпостат (automatics of maintenance of the set speed) *
   The alarm system of emergency rapprochement at a parking (PDC) *
   System of automatic stabilisation of stability with a regulator of a twisting moment of engine ASC+T/System of the dynamic control of stability DSC*
   The monitoring system of pressure of air in tyres (RDC) *
   Illumination and light devices
   Heater, ventilation and the conditioner of air of salon
   The salon equipment
   Features of driving of the car
   The Katalitichesky converter
   Antiblocking system of brakes (ABS)
   Disk brakes
   Brake system
   Luggage spaces
   Automobile телефон*
   Readjustment of headlights
   Unlocking of a cover of the refuelling hatch manually
   Drive podemno-sdvizhnoj hatch covers вручную*
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ Power supply systems, injection and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ manual transmission and трансмиссионная a line
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electric equipment schemes

Automobile химикалии, oils and greasings

Card of viscosity of impellent oils

Special oils BMW long life p/n 07 511470 407
Х can accept values 30, 40, 50

In sale the set химикалиев, oils and the greasings necessary during performance of procedures of routine maintenance and car repairs arrives. The wide spectrum of products of the chemical and oil-extracting industry - from cleaning structures and solvents, to oils, greasings and aerosols for protection of rubber and plastic components of the car here enters.


The cleaner for systems of injection and air заслонок represents strong solvent of pitches, a deposit and coal adjournment. The most part of cleaners leaves after itself greasing film of dry type which does not harden and not засмаливается eventually. In view of formation of such film the given cleaners are not recommended to be used for washing of electric components.

The cleaner for brake systems is applied to removal of traces of greasing and a brake liquid from surfaces of components of brake system where absolute cleanliness is a paramount condition of efficiency of functioning. The cleaner does not leave any traces and in many cases eliminates the squeal of brake mechanisms caused by pollution of their components.

The cleaner for electric components promotes elimination окисных films, traces of corrosion and a deposit from contact surfaces without infringement электропроводности. Also it can be used for cleaning of spark plugs, jets, regulators of pressure and other knots where full clearing of oil and fat is desirable.

Влагопоглотители serve for removal of water and a moisture from surfaces of such electric components as the generator, a pressure regulator, the assembly block of safety locks, electric sockets, etc. Vlagopoglotiteli usually are not current-carrying, not causing corrosion and not inflammable.

Обезжириватели represent superstrong solvents and serve for removal of traces of greasing from external surfaces of the engine and chassis components. Are issued in the form of aerosols or are put by a brush or a brush and, depending on type, are washed off either water, or solvent.

Greasing liquids

Impellent oils represent specially developed structures for greasing of internal components of the engine. Usually contain wide any spectrum of the additives serving for prevention of foaming and corrosion. Impellent oils are issued various degree of viscosity - from 5 to 80. Necessity of application of oil of this or that grade is usually defined by environmental conditions and requirements of the concrete engine. Liquid (easy) oils are usually applied in the conditions of a frigid climate and at insignificant loadings on the engine. Heavy (viscous) oils are used in hot conditions and at the raised loadings on the engine. All-weather oils possess characteristics both easy, and heavy oils and usually have designations from 5W-20 to 20W-50.

Transmissionnoe oil is developed for application in differentials, transmissions, and other knots where stability to influence of heats is required.

Greasing for components of the chassis and bearings of wheels represents the dense greasing applied in knots, subject to the raised loadings and a friction, such as bearings of wheels, spherical support of a suspension bracket, tips of steering draughts and карданные hinges.

High-temperature greasing for bearings of wheels is capable to resist to influence of the heats arising in bearings of wheels of cars, equipped with disk brake mechanisms. Usually contains дисульфид the molybdenum, being greasing substance of dry type.

White greasing (циатим) represents the dense greasing put on metal surfaces contacting among themselves in places where there are problems with the raised humidifying. Remains soft both at low, and at heats, it is not washed away and it is not diluted by water.

Assembly greasing represents special greasing, for application in the conditions of high pressures, usually contains molybdenum and is used for greasing of the knots subject to raised loadings (such as radical and шатунные bearings and working ledges of cams) before the first start of the engine after major repairs end.

Silicone greasings are applied to protection of rubber, plastic, vinyl and nylon components.

Graphite greasings serve for application there where oil cannot be used in a kind of problems with pollution (for example, in locks). Dry graphite perfectly greases metal details, preventing influence on them of a moisture, acids and other aggressive pollution. Greasing is electrowire and does not break contact in such knots, as, for example, the ignition lock.

Молибденсодержащие getting structures are applied to simplification отдавания "the become attached" fixture, and also for greasing of fixture in order to avoid its corrosion in the future.

Teploprovodnaja greasing is not electrowire and serves for installation of electronic modules of ignition from which intensive heat removal is required.


Hermetic RTV is most widely applied прокладочным hermetic. It is made on the basis of silicon, stiffens on air, provides hermetic sealing, gluing, is waterproof, fills defects of surfaces, remains elastic, it is not compressed and does not sit down, it acts rather easily in film and applied in addition practically to all linings on knots where temperatures do not exceed average values.

Anaerobnyj hermetic unlike hermetic RTV can be applied not only in addition to linings, but also to formation of those. Remains elastic, it is steady against influence of solvents and well fills roughnesses of surfaces. The basic difference from hermetic RTV consists in hardening conditions. If hermetic RTV starts to stiffen after hit on air анаэробный hermetic rises only in absence of air. It means that hardening of such hermetic occurs only after assemblage of components and their dense pressing to each other.

Hermetic for pipes
and carving connections is applied to hermetic sealing штуцерных connections of hydraulic, pneumatic and vacuum lines. It is usually made on the basis of teflon компаунда and it is delivered in the form of the aerosols put like a paint of liquids or in the form of a tape (ФУМ).


Antitaking компаунд serves for the prevention “прикипания”, corrosion, jamming and cold приваривания fixture. High-temperature antitaking hermetics usually are made on a basis медьсодержащих or graphite greasings and used in fixture of system of release and a final collector.

Анаэробные taking компаунды serve for prevention spontaneous отдавания fixture under the influence of vibrations and stiffen only after installation in absence of contact to air. Taking компаунды average capacity are applied to fixing of small fixture (nuts, bolts, screws) which are subject regular отдаванию further. High-power компаунды are usually used for blocking of large fixture, отдавание which it is not made on a regular basis.

Additives to oil serve for change of chemical properties of oil without change of its viscosity for the purpose of decrease in an internal friction in the engine. It is necessary to notice that the majority of the firms-manufacturers which are letting out engine oils, warn against use of any additives to them.

Additives to fuel carry out at once some functions, depending on the chemical compound. Usually contain the solvents promoting a conclusion шлама and removal of a deposit from internal surfaces of components of system of injection of fuel and an inlet path. Besides, application of such additives promotes removal of the coal adjournment formed on walls of chambers of combustion. The structure of some additives includes the substances serving for greasing of components of the top part of a head of cylinders (клапанного the mechanism, piston rings), others promote removal of a condensate from walls of a fuel tank.

The other

The brake liquid - represents specially developed structure, capable to resist to influence of heats and the pressure arising in brake system. It is not necessary to suppose contact of a brake liquid to the painted surfaces of the car and open sites of a body. It is necessary to hold a brake liquid in tightly closed container in order to avoid hit in it of a moisture (a liquid very much гигроскопична) and a dirt.

Glue for fastening of sealing strips кузовных apertures as it is clear from its name, serves for fastening of sealing strips of apertures of doors, windows and covers of luggage spaces. It can be applied to fixing of elements of internal furnish.

Anticorrosive coverings for the car bottom represents гудронообразный the structure made on an oil basis and serves for a sheeting of metal surfaces, preventing their corrosion. Besides, carries out function of sound insulation of salon.

Воски and polyroles are applied to protection of the painted surfaces against environment influences. Use of various type восков and polyroles can demand various type of a paint. The structure of some polyroles includes the abrasive or chemical additives serving for removal of an external layer of oxides (tarnishing) from painted surfaces of old cars. Recently in the market are widely presented any polyroles not containing wax which structure includes set of chemical additives, such as polymers or substances on a silicon basis. Such polyroles usually are put and keep longer usual (wax) is easier.