BMW 3 series E46

Since 1998 of release

Repair and car operation

The BMW of 3 series Е46
- Cars BMW 3 (Е46)
   Identification numbers of the car
   Acquisition of spare parts
   Technology of service, the tool and the workplace equipment
   Поддомкрачивание and towage
   Start of the engine from the auxiliary power supply
   Checks of readiness of the car to operation
   Automobile химикалии, oils and greasings
   Diagnostics of malfunctions
   Controls and operation receptions
   Controls and devices
   Keys, the uniform lock and anticreeping system
   Security сигнализация*
   The hatch with podemno-sdvizhnoj крышкой*
   Adjustment of position of a steering wheel
   Safety systems
   The lock of ignition and engine start
   Lay brake
   Manual box of a gear change (manual transmission)
   Automatic transmission (АТ) *
   The lever of the switch of indexes of turn / a light signal
   Screen wipers and стеклоомыватели
   Heater of back glass
   Темпостат (automatics of maintenance of the set speed) *
   The alarm system of emergency rapprochement at a parking (PDC) *
   System of automatic stabilisation of stability with a regulator of a twisting moment of engine ASC+T/System of the dynamic control of stability DSC*
   The monitoring system of pressure of air in tyres (RDC) *
   Illumination and light devices
   Heater, ventilation and the conditioner of air of salon
   The salon equipment
   Features of driving of the car
   The Katalitichesky converter
   Antiblocking system of brakes (ABS)
   Disk brakes
   Brake system
   Luggage spaces
   Automobile телефон*
   Readjustment of headlights
   Unlocking of a cover of the refuelling hatch manually
   Drive podemno-sdvizhnoj hatch covers вручную*
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ Power supply systems, injection and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ manual transmission and трансмиссионная a line
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electric equipment schemes

The monitoring system of pressure of air in tyres (RDC) *

Action principle

System RDC supervises pressure of air in tyres of all four wheels and during movement. The system informs on considerable pressure drop in one or several tyres.

In each wheel behind the gate there is a pressure gauge, the transmitter and the power supply. Through short intervals of time pressure measurement is made.
The obtained data is transferred on a radio channel. At a deviation of pressure from norm periodicity of data transmission increases.

Near to each wheel in a body there are aerials which accept signals from transmitters. The onboard processor processes arriving signals and informs on changes to the driver.

That the system "has understood", what pressure is normal, it is necessary to check up pressure in all four wheels, to compare to Specifications and if necessary to finish to norm. Then it is necessary to make active system.

This control lamp on a control panel informs you that pressure of air in tyres has a deviation from norm.

System activization

1 Turn a key in position 2.
2 Hold a key pressed until the control lamp on a control panel will not light up yellow light.
3 In some minutes after a start of motion system RDC will remember actual pressure of air in tyres as a reference indicator by which it is necessary to be guided further.

This procedure should be repeated only after pumping of tyres. In other cases system RDC automatically joins after ignition key turn in position 2 and operates at each trip.

At pressure drop

If pressure of air in tyres considerably falls after a while (that basically represents the normal phenomenon), the control lamp lights up yellow light.

Thereby you are offered to finish as soon as possible pressure in tyres of your car to norm.

If after a while after finishing of pressure to norm you again are offered to repeat this operation it means that you have incorrectly pumped up tyres. Once again check up pressure and compare its values to the values resulted in Specifications.

At a tyre puncture

At a puncture of the tyre with pressure loss the control lamp lights up red light. The sound signal in addition sounds.

In this case immediately lower speed up to a full stop of the car, avoiding thus sharp braking and sharp movements by a wheel. Replace a punctured wheel.

Provided on a case of a puncture of the tyre compact колесо* (it can be used only temporarily) does not enter into the monitoring system of pressure of air in tyres. Spare колесо* the identical size with other wheels established on the car, on the contrary, it is equipped by the necessary electronic means, allowing to conduct the control of pressure of air in it after installation instead of a defective wheel and system RDC activization.

System RDC cannot warn about sudden rupture of a tyre cover as a result of external influences.

For replacement of tyres address on HUNDRED BMW.


Other systems or devices which use the same radio frequency can negatively affect working capacity of system RDC.

During occurrence of hindrances the control lamp burns with yellow light.

Yellow light of a lamp testifies also:

- About failure in system,
- About installation of a wheel without corresponding electronics,
- About presence in the car together with spare колесом* also other wheels with electronics for RDC.

In such cases address on HUNDRED BMW.